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Top Five
Indispensable tools, even if you're loaded with imaging software, to get there quick.
Imaging Machine
Manipulate images online, including making animated gifs, indexing images, and applying several filters.
Pixelsight Icon Mangler
Customize a wide variety of stock symbols, button, and fonts with an array of textures, colors, bevel and shadow effects. Great interface and output!
Interactive Graphics Generation Page
Do-it-yourself bullets (interactive) and lines. Many of the smaller balls (not the Gallery, that's KPT 3.0) are from there. NOTE: KSU is no longer hosting this tool, so this link points to the mirror site in Finland. I will update the information when a new U.S. site is in place.
Create java-based animated titles (scrolling etc.) online. Requires a java-compatible browser. Among the items that can be controlled are background, image, and type of movement.
JavaScript Color Center
Interactively view hex & rgb colors for backgrounds, text, and links. Allows viewing of textures from various collections on the Web with your choice of link and text colors. Great resource, and very well done interface.
Image & Texture Manipulation
Tweak images as much as you please.
3D Font Ray Tracing Service
Create 3-D fonts and banners.
BAX - Background Generator
Lets you apply custom colors to greyscale background tiles.
B-EYE: Do it yourself
Through the eyes of a bee. . . odd, but interesting
Button Factory
Make pushbuttons, controlling color (limited range), typographic presentation (shadow, raised, incised), and edge treatment (bevel, rounded). Not fancy, but great for when you don't have time to fiddle around.
Image Alchemy
Interactive preview of their popular image manipulation software.
Interactive Icon Factory
Using beveled blanks in a range of shapes (star, round, rectangle, US map...) create colored icons; a good variety of graphics can be incorporated.
Make an image map.
Signboard Factory
Interactively make fonts, banners, logos in a limited range of styles.
Transparent gifs.
TransWeb Transparent-GIF Service
As it says. . .

All designs Copyright(c) R.
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